Remote Primary Health Care Manuals (RPHCM)

The Remote Primary Health Care Manuals is a suite of manuals designed to support good clinical practice in primary health care in Central, Northern and remote Australia. They are widely used in clinical care, health service systems, education and orientation in the Northern Territory, remote South Australia, Ngaanyatjarra and Kimberley regions in Western Australia and beyond.

Created and updated by contributions from hundreds of volunteer healthcare professionals across Australia, the content is both printed and available online.

Content details:

  • Manual pages – 2000+.
  • Contributors – 200+.
  • Groups of specific interest – 35+.
  • Authoring tool in use since – 2006.
  • Site –


The Remote Primary Health Care Manuals (RPHCM) team need to coordinate the contributions from hundreds of volunteers. The end products are health care manuals, so it is imperative that they have an auditable and traceable editing and review process.

That the overwhelming majority of contributors are volunteers adds an extra dimension of complexity to managing the workflow.  


The RPHCM administration team create editorial working groups for each topic. Groups have a number of roles such as chair, primary reviewer and editorial committee sponsor. Members of one group also often contribute to other groups and might have different roles in those groups.

PageSeeder is used to manage the complete authoring process: management of groups, the contributions from different roles across the workflow, coordinating comments and edits and providing an overview of the status.

Once complete, content is then published out for import into InDesign to produce the physical manuals and also to their website.

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