Oxford University Press ANZ

For those that have not experienced it, there may be a perception that educational software is child's play. In reality, the education workflow is a punishing combination of content, states, entitlements and permissions. For Oxford University Press (Australia and New Zealand), the need for a consolidated platform to create, maintain and deliver learning material to audiences ranging from early childhood to university led them to PageSeeder. 

Delivering education as a service, PageSeeder provides the foundation for content that includes everything from the award winning online literacy assessment, to text books, assessments and special activities. Often supplemented by content from the famous Oxford dictionaries, “oxford digital” delivers to subscribers under the sub-brands of Primary, Secondary and Higher Education. Not only delivering content and assessments, but collecting the student answers and managing the classrooms. PageSeeder also administrates the subscriptions and content entitlements and communicates with the ERP solution.

Key details are:

  • Registered users – 1.1M+.
  • Peak usage – approx 13k users a day.
  • Live since – 2012.
  • Site – oxforddigital.com.au.


Back in 2011, Oxford University Press (ANZ) was trying to navigate introducing digital resources into a crowded market with many entrenched technologies. They required support for XML content but not at the expense of the lush, engaging aesthetics they are famous for. The ability to integrate textbook content, assessments and classrooms into a single platform created efficiencies and helped to deliver the level of quality that users expect from Oxford products.

By providing teachers with the tools to customize content, assignments and assessments, oxford digital allows students to be treated as individuals.


oxford digital is an example of how the fundamental PageSeeder objects are assembled into custom applications. Developers have a unified view of users in the context of their role and status, entitlement to structured content, hierarchical permissions and messaging. This provides a powerful and robust foundation for solutions.

For oxford digital, PageSeeder acts in the following different, but integrated, roles: 

  • User authentication and entitlement manager – administrates the user accounts against the systems components they have access to;
  • School manager – provides schools with the capability to manage their user population into classes and roles (student, teacher etc);
  • Content server – presents users with contextual interface for structured content. This could range from a teacher report of unfinished  assignments, an editing interface for assembling a custom assessment or text book chapter with a practice quiz. The key point for this model is that structured documents provide a stable, rich foundation to collect comments and tasks from users. Formatting these objects to appear as test answers or student assignments is straightforward;
  • Author server – allows editors and designers to create content, or capture existing content, then preview it in different formats before packaging it into products for subscribers;
  • Document processor – accepts input from a range of system components and content processes and returns personalized, formatted documents such as student assessments or class results reports.

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